Ten Helpful Habits

Habits are the way of life. The way we adopt particular behavior patterns decides our lifestyle. There are various types of habits; some are bad, and some are good. 

Good habits are those which bring positive changes in our lives. They give us productive outcomes; make us healthy and active. While bad habits destroy our efficiency and make us addicted. 

Constructive habits have various positive impacts on our lives. Some beneficial habits are discussed ten helpful habits.

1. Wake up early 

Waking up early is one of the most fundamental keys to success. Not only does it allow you to start your day off on the right foot and be more productive, but it also can help foster a healthier lifestyle. 

Waking up early can give you the extra time needed to exercise, plan meals and cultivate a positive mental attitude to help you get the most out of your time.

 Whether you’re working on personal goals, pursuing a career, or just want to feel better physically and mentally, waking up early can be incredibly beneficial. 

In this guide, you’ll learn tips and strategies for gradually becoming an early riser and how to make the most of waking up early each morning. 

2. Break down tasks into smaller parts 

Breaking down tasks into smaller parts refers to the process of analyzing larger tasks or objectives and breaking them down into manageable sections. 

It helps to clarify the required steps, prioritize tasks, and plan for completion. This process can also be used to identify potential problems and develop solutions that can make the task easier to complete. 

It is also helpful for breaking down large projects into shorter-term goals and objectives, which can make them appear more manageable. 

Breaking down tasks in this way can also help people collaborate effectively, as each team member can be assigned an individual task or responsibility.

3. Make time for physical activity 

Making time for physical activity means carving out time in your daily routine to get your body moving.

 This could include going for a walk or a run, doing an exercise video, going to the gym, playing a sport, swimming, or participating in any type of physical activity that you enjoy. 

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can help reduce stress, improve your physical and mental health, and boost your overall well-being.

4. Keep a journal 

Keeping a journal is the practice of recording your thoughts, ideas, and day-to-day experiences in a written form. It is often done with the goal of personal growth, reflecting on your life experiences, self-improvement, or other related intentions.

When keeping a journal, people often write about their thoughts and feelings, as well as important events that have happened during their day. 

Writing in a journal can help you to clarify your thoughts and feelings, process your emotions, record ideas, and document reflections. 

It can also be used to help keep track of tasks and goals, plan future activities, and even help to track progress over time.

5. Learn something new 

An ongoing process of learning something new involves the acquisition of new knowledge or skills. This can involve anything from reading books and taking classes to gather experiences or information. 

Learning something new can lead to a range of benefits such as increased confidence and improved career prospects, as well as providing opportunities for personal growth. 

In addition, it can help to open up new perspectives and possibilities. Taking the time to learn something new is essential to any path of personal development and can be incredibly rewarding in itself.

6. Practice gratitude 

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for the things one has in life. 

Practicing gratitude means consciously appreciating the positive aspects of our lives and taking time to reflect on them. It can be done through writing, verbalizing, or simply taking a moment to reflect and be mindful. 

This practice can help create a more positive outlook and increase happiness levels. Additionally, it can help build relationships with others, allowing us to show our appreciation and compassion for them. 

Gratitude can be practiced every day or at a set time, such as at the beginning or end of each day. 

It can be written in a diary or notebook, shared with a friend, or even done in a group setting.

7. Create a morning routine 

Good morning! Welcome to the start of a new day! Today marks the beginning of a positive and productive day for us all. To ensure success and positivity, let’s establish a morning routine.

 The first step of our routine should be to wake up at the same time every day. Having a consistent wake-up time will help us start the day feeling energized and motivated.

 Next, let’s get a good stretch and some exercise. This will get our endorphins going and help wake our bodies up.

  • Wake up at 6:30 am: Start the day by setting an alarm for 6:30 am and take a few minutes to stretch out of bed. 
  •  Meditate: Take 10 minutes to focus on your breathing and recenter your thoughts
  •  Eat Breakfast: Prepare a nutritious breakfast, such as oatmeal, eggs, and fresh fruit.
  •  Exercise: Take a walk around the neighborhood or get some yoga in before heading out for the day.
  • Get Ready: Take a shower, get dressed, and set the tone for a productive day.
  • Make a Plan: Make a simple to-do list of your three most important tasks for the day, and plan out how you’ll accomplish them. 
  • Start Working: Use the first hour of the day to get started on whichever task is the most important, and don’t forget to track your progress. 
  • Wrap-Up: Reflect on what you’ve accomplished, and make sure to take a few moments to enjoy the successes you achieved that day. 
  • Wind Down: Spend some time reading a book or taking a bath before heading to bed. Try to avoid screens and electronic devices in the evening.

8. Set goals and track progress 

Setting goals and tracking progress is an important habit to have, both in life and in business. It helps to keep you motivated and accountable to yourself and those around you. 

To do this, you must first decide what your goals are and then create an action plan to reach them. From there, you can record your progress along the way and make adjustments if needed. 

Keeping track of your progress can help you identify areas where you can improve and stay on track. This process also allows you to focus on the result, rather than getting bogged down in details. 

Ultimately, setting goals and tracking progress will help you stay motivated and reach your desired outcome faster.

9. Make time for relaxation 

Relaxation can come in many forms, such as listening to music, meditating, going for a walk, reading a book, playing a game, taking a bath, doing some yoga, or journaling. 

Taking the time to relax helps to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost your overall well-being. Start by setting aside some time each day for yourself and plan 1-2 activities that you can do for relaxation. 

This could be something like listening to music for 15 minutes before bed or reading a book each evening. Make sure to also consider other activities like going for a walk, playing some games, or journaling, as these can be great methods of relaxation as well. 

If you find it difficult to make time for relaxation, try scheduling it into your calendar and setting reminders so that you don’t forget.

10. Read Regularly

Reading regularly is an important part of developing literacy skills and developing a love of reading. 

Reading regularly is an important way to stay informed and broaden one’s knowledge base. Regularly reading from various sources can help one to become more creative, and open-minded and develop a greater appreciation for literature. 

Regularly indulging in reading helps a person to think more critically about the world around them and better understand the opinions and motivations of those around them.

 A consistent reading habit also provides relaxation and fosters mental growth and exploration.

what are good habits for child ?

 Good habits for children include being respectful, keeping a positive attitude, following rules and instructions, practicing good hygiene, eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, being honest, being responsible for their actions, doing their best in school and other activities, working hard, setting goals, being kind and courteous to others, and being helpful around the house.


Having helpful habits can improve the quality of your life and make you a better person. 

Developing helpful habits like staying organized, setting goals, being kind and generous, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health, as well as your relationships with others. 

By creating helpful habits, you can make life much easier for yourself, and those around you, and create a more enjoyable life experience.